Just One Life
“It’s a privilege to choose our level of suffering” When I heard this statement on a podcast recently it really impacted me and made me think.
Let’s take a look at the definition of privilege… “a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group” . It reminded me that sometimes we take for granted the ability to have the choice to do a lot of what we do at a level that we are comfortable in or make the choice to take ourselves outside our comfort zone.
When we face challenges in life we have the choice/decision to move forward or to step back. How do we decide to move forward or not? The theory I have heard is if you want it 2% more or even 0.5% more than it scares you than you need to go for it!! This can be a job, life change, race, adventure or anything else you perceive as a risk. It has been said that you do not want to leave this world with any regrets in not living the life you truly wanted and are capable of .
There is so much happening in this world around us to remind me that I am privileged in more ways than I see on a daily basis sometimes. I try not to take my life and the things I get to experience for granted but I know sometimes I do.
“We all have two lives. The second one starts when we realize we only have one”
What choice/decision have you put off that you truly want? How bad do you want it? #challengeissued #liveyourbestlife #begrateful #gratitudealways